What is Liberty and Do You Have It?
In the trenches with his men, his Excellency George Washington contemplated whether his infant country would be moral enough to hold onto...

Apple’s Fight Against the FBI to Protect Our Privacy
This is mind blowing. You and I are facing a potential massive infringement on our liberty. This letter from Apple is shocking. I’ve...

What’s a Citizen Legislature?
Recently an individual came to speak to one of my political science classes at my university. They spoke about the money that controling...
Free Markets Produce “Uber” Great Benefits
All too often, we hear pro-big government types continually preach that the free market is a broken, failed, and flawed system. The...

Right For The Wrong Reasons
There are many times in our court system when the right decision is made for the wrong reasons. Recently it was ruled by the U.S. 2nd...