Today, I will care.

Today – the news seems simply depressing (as it often does). I don’t want to think about the economy, the various wars in different parts of the world, or hear the right and the left banter one more time.
I’m sick of it all. There could be two reasons this has happened: One maybe I’m burnt out from hearing too much of it, or I’m too consumed into my plush life to care.
As I opened up my news tabs I quickly realized it was the later. This headline caught my attention.
Radical Islamic Militants Hold Hundreds of Yazidi Women in Iraq as Plight of Religious Minorities Worsens.
The Islamic State group in Iraq is rapidly taking over the already war battered country. In recent weeks the Islamic radicals have sent minority groups fleeing for their lives to the mountains and other countries. Iraq Christian’s doors have been marked with an N (for Jesus of Nazareth) and they’ve been confronted with the choice of converting to Islam or fleeing for their lives. And the Iraq women living in Northern Iraq are experiencing the full reality of the new regime that is moving into their villages. The militants have now captured hundreds of Yazidi Women – most likely to be sold or married off to extremist fighters. A Yazidi lawmaker, Vian Dakheel, said, “women have been sold in a slavery market.”
As I sit in my air conditioned room – deciding weather or not to care about whats happening in the world around me today – hundreds of women sit terrified on the other side of the world, wondering if they’ll make it through the day.
This is just one small part of the world…only a couple hundred.
I know so many are thinking – there are a million situations similar and critical issues to be concerned with…But I can’t help but think – what would happen if the entire world really cared. Or if Americans were more informed of the various situations unfolding in the Middle East? I’m guilty of not caring. Ignorance really can be bliss. But I’m realizing I have a responsibility to know and care – on the days I feel like it and the days I simply don’t want to open my news tabs.
So, today – I will care. I will care by staying informed. Spreading the story to others; and praying for the protection of these women’s lives.