Apart Together

Sahra is a Somali refugee who fled her home at 14 years old. She is now at a shelter for refugees and torture victims in Munich Germany. Her future remains uncertain as she resides in Germany under the status of “suspension of deportation.”
But one photographer, Ines Dumig was moved by Sahra’s strength and courage and she sought to share this with others.
Dumig said, “Every one of these (refugees) have strong stories, and in the bureaucratic system, they are just a number or a document, but they are a person, they are people with emotions and lives.” Dumig created a photo series called “Apart Together.”

The series reveals that although people may be physically apart from each other – it is not one’s location but instead shared experiences and feelings that link us to one another in our shared humanity. Valuable human dignity is portrayed through Dumig’s images.
Take a moment to see through the eyes of a Somali refugee by these powerful photographs.
Tonight as I write – I think of how many all over the world are apart. Apart from loved ones for various reasons – political uprisings, Islamic extremists or oppressive dictators. Let’s be the voices that speak up for valuable human dignity –the ones that stand up against oppressors of freedom and liberty. And while so many are apart let us show them that we are with them in spirit as we fight for their rights and voices to be heard. Let us not be silent.