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University Elections Based On Race?

The Cornell University Student Assembly (SA) has proposed that student government elections be based entirely on race. They feel minority groups are underrepresented in their student government. And let me say – this isn’t a University that hasn’t already spent a considerable amount of energy making sure minority groups have a seat at the table.

Photo: Kelly Yang, Sun News

The Student Assembly already has special liaison positions for –

– Minority students

– International students

– LGBTQ students

– Female students

– And first-generation college students

Yet students are now advocating for each minority group to have their own representative. And they believe the election of these representatives should be done through a race-specific voting system

“‘People in the minority group, not people in the majority group, should choose their representative’ clarified one person to a thunderous round of snaps.”

A race based voting system…have we reverted back 50 years?

I thought we were the generation of change – moving forward, focused on progress. It seems this group of college students is having a complete lapse of creativity. Is this the only way they can think of to approach the problem – to repeat mistakes from the past? They are treating the symptom (lack of student minority involvement) but not the problem. If the problem is lack of minority involvement, then how about educating and sharing with your friends why it’s important for them to be involved in the first place? The problem is mis-education and an abundance of apathy; it’s not because of racism or any kind of oppression.

My generation has an obsession with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (and rightly so) but we’ve been taught little about Dr. King’s views. So possibly unknowingly they are attempting to unravel the very work Rev. King gave his life for.

“I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” – Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

In his 1957 speech entitled, “Give Us The Ballot,” he did not advocate for the right to vote simply because he wanted to see more black people in office. No. He wanted more than that – he wanted to be able to select and choose men “of good will” who would “do justly and love mercy.” He wanted to be able to select men based on their character.

Not only are these students going against Rev. King’s beliefs – but their potential student assembly policy is downright anti-American and undermines the 15th Amendment (Passed in 1870), Section 1, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” Restricting voting based on race is illegal in the United States – but in a private University student government system – they make the rules. Even if the rules violate the very principles and constitution that has made and sustained one of the most fair and equal political systems in the world.

Students in the Cornell Student Assembly are seeking to deny white students the privilege of voting because of their skin color. If you’re not in a minority group, your freedom to speak at meetings like the one held on Cornell University’s campus is curbed.

And let me tell you, this is not just happening in the Ivy League schools, and it’s not unique to Cornell. It’s also happening at private Christian schools and universities. I personally experienced it my freshman year of college. This progressive, twisted, reverse racism ideology has infiltrated college campuses all over our country – and it’s dangerous because it doesn’t value people. It values agendas. These beliefs cause division and destroy any possible unity.

Instead of finding common ground, learning from one another and coming together as millennials, Americans, and in the case of Cornell – Unity in all being Cornell Students – they are divided in the most uncivilized, elementary and uneducated way – by their skin color.

This isn’t the way we should be doing things in America. I want to encourage my millennial friends – let’s not waste our time repeating history’s mistakes. Let’s learn from those mistakes and never forget them. But let’s also strive to make a difference in our world by building on the work of incredible men and women who have walked before us, like Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., And support his vision that we all would live together as one and not be judged by the color of our skin but by the content of our character.

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